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Why Tour Pros Swear This Reverse Hinge Technique Can


To Your Drive In 5 Swings

Joe DiChiara, 20-year PGA professional, reveals a counterintuitive wrist movement that ANYONE can use to gain explosive power off the tee.

Coach Joe providing golf instruction, helping a golfer improve their technique and skills

Joe DiChiara - Trainer

Golf Digest Top 40 Under 40
“Best Young Teachers In America”

My name is Joe DiChiara – I’m a 20-year PGA professional.

And whether you’re 35 or 75…

Flexible or not at all…

In perfect health or suffer with mobility issues…

This counterintuitive Reverse Hinge Technique is all you need to hit effortless bombs off the tee.

That leaves you looking back on the fairway – waiting on your playing partners to hit their second shot.

This isn’t hype – you can hit up to 40 yards further off the tee, without swinging harder or putting yourself at risk of injury.

I can say this with 100% conviction because it’s the same Reverse Hinge Technique I’ve taught to countless amateurs, as well as two multi-major-winning professional golfers.

But the proof is in the pudding – and that’s why I recently took ten amateur golfers…

Who all suffered from weak, limp drives…

(No matter how hard they swung…)

And helped them add 40 yards of distance on average in just 5 swings.

This “Reverse Hinge Technique” is something you’ve never seen before – and it’s something you’d never expect.

Yet it can help you add up to 40 yards of scorching power off the tee…

EVEN if you struggle with an over the top swing…

Poor contact…

And no matter how many years you’ve been playing, your current skill level, your age, or your shot shape.
Seriously – even if you’ve tried to make countless swing changes…

That may have worked briefly…

But would fall apart 3 holes into a round…

THIS Reverse Hinge Technique is literally all you need to finally outdrive your playing partners and leave the younger guys at your club speechless.

The reason why is because even though it’s a movement made up here in the wrist…

… a movement so simple – yet so powerful – that I believe it should be the first thing taught to EVERY amateur who picks up a club…

This easy-to-learn technique during your transition effortlessly pulls your entire body – from your legs to your torso – into an explosive pattern…

Which sends your club head flying into the ball…

And transfers all of that power and energy into a drive that carries further for you than it has in decades.

Just imagine what the Reverse Hinge Technique could do for you…

… when you’re able to automatically create speed and power that most folks can only dream of.

You’d no longer be the straggler, taking 1-2 strokes extra to reach the green…

You’d no longer be exhausted by the 10th hole after trying to swing your club as hard as possible, just to squeeze out a few extra yards of distance…

And you’d no longer look down at your scorecard, wondering what could’ve been if you were longer off the tee.


You’re almost guaranteed to drop 6… 7… even 10 strokes off your scorecard with the Reverse Hinge Technique – because you’re hitting the ball further.

Picture stepping up to the tee, confident in your new explosive power…

 Picture sending the ball far beyond all trouble – leaving you with a smooth wedge or short iron into the green…

And picture winning your club tournaments and longest drive competition – thanks to your newfound distance.
You’ll get the full details on this counterintuitive Reverse Hinge Technique today.

Most importantly…

I’m going to walk you through the Reverse Hinge Technique in detail.

Which means in moments from now…

You’ll have everything you need to finally start driving your ball as far as even some of the professionals on the PGA tour.

But first, to truly understand everything I’m about to share with you…

I need to tell you why no one else is teaching this.

Again, my name is Joe DiChiara.

I’ve been featured on…

Appeared on the prestigious Fully Equipped podcast…

And been given the honor of Golf Digest’s “most talented instructors under 40,” two years in a row.

Yet the reason why the likes of pros on the PGA, European, LPGA and Asian Tours turn to me for strategies to fix their game…

Is because I look at golf totally differently to most other instructors out there.

You see, I’m not looking to see if your lead foot is turned a precise 75 or 72 degrees from your path…

Neither am I looking at whether your hip moves 6 or 6-and-a-half inches forward on the downswing.
In fact, I’m not looking at any minor details that don’t move the needle.

I’ve used 3D motion technology to reveal the secrets of the world’s best and longest golf swings.

3D motion technology is like an x-ray for your golf swing.

It allows me to see literally every part of the swing – nanosecond by nanosecond.

And after analyzing thousands of golfers – from professionals to amateurs…

What I’ve discovered is ONE SIMPLE MOVEMENT that enables the longest hitters on tour to swing 30-50 yards further than their group – forcing everyone else to play catch up.

Of course, I’m talking about the Reverse Hinge Technique.
Which, as you’ll see today, will let you…

  • Consistently hit drives 20, 30, even 40 yards longer than what you’re hitting right now…
  • Take 1 to 3 less clubs to reach the green…
  • And lower your handicap by up to 10 strokes…

No matter how many years you’ve been playing, your current skill level, or your age.

And the best part? It takes just 5 swings to master this counter-intuitive movement.

Frankly, there isn’t a single person on Earth the Reverse Hinge Technique won’t work for.

The reason why is simple. Instead of changing 5 different parts of your golf swing…

… which leads to multiple, confusing swing thoughts like “shallow out your downswing,” “move your hips,” “create space with your hands,” and so on…

The Reverse Hinge Technique is one simple movement in your wrists…

Which, once activated, automatically pulls every other component of your swing into a perfect, power-loaded motion.

Better still, you don’t need to time the Reverse Hinge Technique…

You simply make this movement when you transition from backswing to downswing.

Which means, there’s no risk whatsoever that you fire too early or too late – throwing the rest of your swing out of sequence.

So let me ask you…

Are you starting to see why the Reverse Hinge Technique is so easy to master?

To be clear – when you master this technique…

  • You’ll quickly realize that there is no better feeling than hitting your ball 20-to-40 yards further than your playing partners.
  • You’ll see their mouths drop and their shoulders slump as they realize just how much further you’ve hit your tee shot.
  • And you’ll see a look of confusion on their faces, because here’s the thing…

The Reverse Hinge Technique is NOT about hitting the ball harder or with any extra effort.

Which means you won’t be putting yourself at risk of injury with each swing…

And neither do you need to be spending hours in the gym to get stronger.

Instead, the Reverse Hinge Technique is about taking what you’re already doing in your swing right now…

Adding one simple movement in the wrists when you transition…

That loads power into your golf swing and produces bombs off the tee.

And when I say anyone can master it, I mean ANYONE.

Which is exactly why I put it to test, live and in-person.

I recruited 10 amateurs of varying skill, fitness, and mobility levels and taught them the Reverse Hinge Technique in just 30 minutes.

Before and after comparison showing the improvement in swing mechanics using the reverse hinge technique

These were amateurs, here in Arizona, who I knew were struggling to achieve any real distance off the tee.

Every single one of the 10 men and women who joined me were typically the stragglers of their group…

Playing catch up…

And finding it hard to lower their handicap in any kind of meaningful way.

Their faces were a mixture of hopelessness and excitement.

Hopelessness because some had spent over 20 years being the shortest hitter in their group by some way.

And excitement because from the little description I’d given so far, some knew that the Reverse Hinge Technique was nothing like what they’ve tried before.

The first thing I asked this group of distance-challenged golfers to do… was to hit the ball as far as they could.

I wasn’t interested in how they were swinging the club, their club face, club path, or anything like that.

Quite frankly…

It didn’t matter to me where the ball went or how they got it in the air – I just wanted to see how much raw power these amateurs could generate.

Some had a longer backswing…

Others threw their body into the downswing…

One guy even used the “double pump” method that long drive competitors use.

In every single case, these golfers were NOT using their wrists properly.

Of course, it’s a well-known and indisputable fact that power is generated in the wrists.

But what most people don’t know…

… yet I do, thanks to my 3D imaging background…

Is that the secret to using your wrists effectively ISN’T in your hips, quads or feet.

Instead, the key to hitting long drives straight down the fairway is in the wrists.

So I went ahead and taught the golfers how to use the Reverse Hinge Technique…

It took less than 10 minutes to explain it…

And I asked each of them to make a handful of practice swings.

Next, I picked up a bucket and handed each golfer just five balls…

You should have seen their faces!

“Really Joe? I need 500 balls, not 5!” one amateur blurted out.

I just smiled.

Each golfer turned around, took their stance and began to implement the Reverse Hinge Technique.

I knew it had clicked, immediately.

The noise at impact sounded powerful.

You could literally hear the energy from the clubhead transfer into the ball – like a whip cracking.

One-by-one, they turned to look at me…

I saw it on their faces – the look where they couldn’t quite believe just how far the ball had gone…

The look of surprised confidence, now they knew they could hit bombs off the tee…

And the look of how much more fun they were having as a result.

It’s the same look I’ve seen over and over again, when I’ve taught this technique.

And now it’s your turn…

With this simple, Reverse Hinge Technique you can add scorching distance to your drives – within 5 swings.

You’ll power the ball 20, 30, even 40 yards further…

Heck, you may even find yourself hitting as much as 60 yards closer to the green.

And as a result…

  • Your handicap will plummet as you knock up to 10 strokes off your scorecard each round…
  • You’ll feel a rush of confidence every time you step up to the tee…
  • And you’ll see a subtle, different look in your playing partners eyes – one that might look a bit intimidated and shocked at your new distance.

Again, all it takes is just 5 shots for you to master.

So wouldn’t you say…

It’s about time I walked you through the Reverse Hinge Technique in detail.

Now, as I already mentioned…

It’s true that power is generated from the ground up – using your legs.

But if you’re like the thousands of golfers I’ve coached before you, then you might be struggling to use the ground at all…

Which leads to weak shots that don’t get the kind of distance you can actually achieve.

See, when amateurs come to me and try to use their legs…

They’ll immediately overthink…

They’re trying to load power in the backswing…

Dip into the downswing…

And “power up” – posting on their lead leg, through impact.

None of these things are “wrong”…

Play Scottie Scheffler’s or Rory McIlroy’s swing in slow-mo and that’s exactly what they do…


But the problem is, this is too many things for any amateur to focus on.

It’s like a chef adding too many ingredients to a dish.

7 different herbs, 6 different vegetables, 3 types of meat, stock and seasoning…

It’s a LOT to think about…

And, if you’re as bad of a cook as I am, you’ll probably put a bunch of these ingredients in at the wrong time and forget others altogether!

When a similar thing happens during the golf swing…

Not only does it not add any power – but it can actually reduce your power as well.

Because your swing-sequence breaks down…

And the individual components of the swing happen at the wrong time.

So not only does the ball go shorter…

But it also leads to poor contact, creating slices, topped shots and worm burners.

If that sounds familiar, don’t worry.

The Reverse Hinge Technique eliminates swing thoughts – and lets you hit bomb, after bomb, after bomb, down the fairway.

The reason why is down to one simple truth…

A truth that may sound crazy at first…

But if you open your mind to it – even embrace it – will change your golf swing for good.

The truth is – using your wrists to generate extreme power in the golf swing is natural and instinctive for EVERY golfer.

Think about it…

In every other movement or sport, your wrists move naturally to produce the optimal outcome.

You don’t think about your legs when you walk, jog or sprint.

A baseball player doesn’t have to think about loading power into their legs during a homerun swing.

A kicker doesn’t think about winding up power to score a field goal.

And a soccer player isn’t thinking about coiling their leg around them when they strike a ball.

So why do you think about your legs during the golf swing?

The only reason you – or anybody – struggles with using their wrists in the golf swing is because of coaching.

See, golf is a technical sport…

Deliver the clubface just 1 degree offline and you’re out of bounds…

Or hit 1 inch behind the ball and it travels just a few short strides off the tee.

Which is why 99% of coaching focuses on the technical parts of the game – swing paths, clubface control, weight shift.

They’re important, don’t get me wrong…

But the problem is – all of this coaching focuses on your lower body, from your waist down…

Which, as a natural and inevitable byproduct, causes you to “forget” how to use your wrists instinctively.

It’s the reason why I’ve seen so many amateurs with a technically-solid swing, who also struggle to achieve any kind of real distance off the tee.

They – and YOU – have simply “forgotten” how to naturally and automatically recruit your wrists into a powerful golf shot.

The good news is, what’s forgotten can always be remembered

You simply need to remind your body to use its wrists again to generate extreme distance off the tee…

And that’s where the Reverse Hinge Technique comes in.

See, through two-decades of analyzing golf swings in 3D, I discovered something interesting…

The longest-striking-golfers all made a simple movement in their wrists…

Which “fires” their clubhead into an explosive action.

I tried to ignore it at first.

It didn’t make sense that everything could be controlled by the wrist.

And yet…

The more long-hitters I analyzed…

The more I saw this simple wrist movement.

Eventually I couldn’t ignore it.

I pored over countless recorded videos and what I discovered is the Reverse Hinge Technique – a counter-intuitive movement in your wrists that…

Automatically snaps your clubhead into the precise movement pattern needed…

To load your swing with maximum power…

And send the ball flying down the fairway like a missile.

In short, what I had discovered is…

A simple movement which forces your body to remember how to use its wrist to generate power – naturally.

So if the answer is in the wrists…

Then what are you not doing right now?

Most amateurs I see are doing one of two things…

Which sacrifices power and sabotages their distance.

The first and most common mistake I see is that golfers release their wrists too early in the downswing.

This never gives the clubhead a chance to store power – and ultimately, release this power into the ball.

The second mistake I see is that some golfers are simply using their wrists to square the face at impact…

The only thing they do is flip their wrists to close the face on the downswing.

Which doesn’t accelerate the clubhead one bit.

In both of these examples, you’re being robbed of an additional 20-40 yards your wrists wanted to give you.

So take it from me – again, a 20-year PGA pro who has seen countless amateurs make these mistakes…

If you are coming up short on the fairway…

If your tee shots feel weak or tame…

And if you’re constantly playing “catch up” with the rest of your playing partners…

You are NOT using your wrists to store power with your clubhead.

But the answer isn’t to overhinge your wrists or release them quicker

When your grip is weak, there is a power weak.

The Reverse Hinge Technique is not about when you release the hinge.

Instead, it’s about loading power into your wrists in a way I guarantee you’ve never seen before…

A way which not only stores power here…

But also reminds your body to use all of this…

To generate extreme power that sends the golf ball flying towards the green.

The first thing you want to do is stop thinking about the backswing or downswing.

And instead focus all of your attention on the transition.

Look closely…

Can you spot what happened in my transition?

I’d bet you $50 that doesn’t look like anything you’ve seen before.

As I’m transitioning into the downswing, I’m actually doing the OPPOSITE of what most amateurs do.

I’m hinging the wrist further and loading power.

And as a result…

I’ve sparked a chain reaction in my swing…

That starts in my wrist…

Speeds up my arms…

Turns my torso…

Rotates my hips…

And finally, reminds my wrists to do what they do best – generate power.

At no point in this swing did I need to think about generating power.

It came naturally – and instinctively – once I used the Reverse Hinge Technique.

Of course, you might be thinking “well, you’re a PGA pro, of course you can generate effortless power.”

But remember – I taught this to 10 amateurs in 10 minutes.

Within 5 golf balls, they were hitting drives further than they have ever done.

Why? Because the Reverse Hinge Technique is super easy-to-learn and use.

Yet I want to be clear about one thing…

The Reverse Hinge Technique is NOT about over-hinging the wrists.

It’s very easy to look at the videos I just showed you and think “okay, I need to just hinge my wrists even more.”

That’s NOT what is happening.

If you think that, you’ll end up over-hinging in your backswing throwing your sequence out of sync…

And putting yourself at a much greater risk of seriously injuring yourself.

Again, the Reverse Hinge Technique happens in the transition.

Which is why it can be so hard to learn…

But as I’ve promised you today – by following my simple instruction, you can master this movement in 5 range balls or less.

Then, every time you step out onto a tee box…

You’ll be able to use the Reverse Hinge Technique to automatically and effortlessly pull your clubhead into an explosive tee shot…

Which sends the ball whistling 20-40 yards further down the fairway than what you’re achieving today.

This Reverse Hinge Technique is how you will approach the tee in full confidence – and reach the green in up to 3 shots less.

Your swing becomes easy and automatic.

In fact, you’ll never battle to hit greens-in-regulation again…

Instead, you’ll find yourself using more irons in your round, than fairway woods…

And you’ll breeze through your next round now that you’re outdriving your playing partners.

But the best news of all…

This Reverse Hinge Technique won’t take you decades to master…

You won’t have to fly out to Arizona…

And spend the thousands of dollars that my students regularly pay to learn it from me.

All you need is a driver…

And 5 swings.

That’s it!

Because you’ll learn everything you need inside my program called:

Reverse Hinge Mastery: Hit Up to 40 Yards Further Off the Tee - In 5 Shots or Less!

Inside, I’ll walk you through my Reverse Hinge Technique, step-by-step…

So you can drive the ball further than you ever have…

Adding 20-to-40 yards to your drive…

While having the most fun you’ve ever had playing golf…

All in just 5 shots.

It doesn’t matter what your handicap or your typical shot shape is…

It doesn’t matter how much playing experience you have…

And it doesn’t matter how much mobility or fitness you currently experience…

Because the Reverse Hinge Technique WILL work for you.

Again – and I keep saying it because it’s so important – I’ve taught this Reverse Hinge Technique to countless students…

From PGA pros to struggling amateurs…

There’s not a single person who hasn’t seen an increase in distance off the tee.

It’s like a “cheat code” for your golf game.

You learn it once – and then for the rest of your life, you hit bombs down the fairway.

Picture it…

Your handicap coming down because you’re now only a short iron or wedge into green…

Winning your club tournaments – enjoying the prize and the pride that comes with it…

And “getting one back” on your playing partners, who up until now would tease you for your limp tee shots.

THIS is your new reality.

I’m going to give you full access to my Reverse Hinge Mastery program with ZERO risk in a moment.

Inside our members’ portal…

You’ll find many training videos…

Walking you through the Reverse Hinge Technique in its most simple and easy-to-understand format.

You’ll also find videos from the range session where I taught this technique to the ten amateurs you saw earlier on.

You’ll see how I taught them and get the answers to their questions
as well.

You’ll see video breakdowns of the tour pros using this very technique…

Plus, you’ll get 3 easy swing progressions – along with the drills – that guarantee you’ll be able to master the Reverse Hinge Technique in 5 balls or less.

And finally, I’ll walk you through a pre-shot routine – or “trigger” – that will make using the Reverse Hinge Technique on the tee box automatic. Because, let me tell you…

This ISN’T something that only works on the range.

It works when you’re standing over the tee at your local club as well.

(Even if it’s the 1st tee in your next competition and you’re wracked with nerves.)

Bottom line, this technique is tried, tested, and proven to work on the course – over and over again.

So next time you step up to the tee…

You can tower over the ball in complete confidence…

Knowing that your wrists will naturally supply maximum power to your shot…

Sending the ball flying down the fairway like a missile – while your golf buddies look on in shock.

Better yet…

Soon enough, I know you’ll be messaging me with your story…

Telling me how much the Reverse Hinge Mastery program has changed your golfing life.

With my favorite drill in the world – the knockdown drill.

Just like these amateurs…

Again, this is all possible because of what you’ll learn inside the Reverse Hinge Mastery program.

I’ll show you how to access it in 30 seconds from now.

But I also want to tell you about what else you’ll be getting access to today…

A full, total package, designed to help you hit long off the tee.

Your first bonus:

The Reverse Hinge Practice Masterclass – worth $97 in value but free, for you, today.

Within just 5 swings, you’ll add up to 40 yards of distance. Guaranteed.

But that doesn’t mean the Reverse Hinge Technique can’t do more for you.

Which is why I’ve put together the Reverse Hinge Practice Masterclass

You’ll get many videos, where I show you the precise drills to practice this Reverse Hinge Technique…

Helping you squeeze every last yard out of this technique…

Increasing your driving distance off the tee by a further 20-30 yards.

Which means, you’ll get an instant 40 yards of distance TODAY…

And then, over the next few weeks as you put the practice in…

You could increase your total new yardage off the tee by as much as 70 yards.

You don’t need me to tell you what that could do to your scores.

But that’s not all you’ll get in the Practice Masterclass

I know that not every tee shot you hit will be a driver.

Sometimes the hole needs a more-certain fairway finder so you might pull a wood, hybrid or long iron.

That’s why I’ve recorded a video showing you the small – but critical – differences in using the Reverse Hinge Technique with each slightly-different club.

Plus, the Practice Masterclass will also give you methods to begin mastering the Reverse Hinge Technique from the comfort of your home.

So if you don’t have time to make it out to the range this week…

Or if you simply want to get started in a matter of minutes from now…

Then I’m going to give you Reverse Hinge drills that can be done from literally anywhere.

Again, the Reverse Hinge Practice Masterclass is worth $47.

But it’s yours at no cost – once you get access to the Reverse Hinge Mastery program.

You’ll also get…

Your second bonus:

Complementary Reverse Hinge Drills, worth $47 but free today.

I’m all about making people better golfers because I know how much joy it can bring when you see your scores coming down.

Not to mention, the sense of pride you get when you’re the best golfer in your group.

And this is the future your second bonus is designed to get you to… faster.

These Complementary Drills are designed to help you learn the Reverse Hinge Technique, quicker.

It’s probably been a long time since you last used your wrists in the golf swing…

And for that reason, one of the drills is designed to shake off the rust and get your body to remember how to use its wrists ASAP…

More than this, the drill also helps you optimize how you use your wrists as well – for maximum distance.

Another one of the drills is designed to help make the counter-intuitive part of the Reverse Hinge Technique come, well, intuitively.

So if you’re even struggling the tiniest bit with it, you can use this drill to instantly accelerate your progression.

All told, the Complementary Reverse Hinge Drills package – worth $47 – comes with different movements…

Each designed to accelerate and optimize the Reverse Hinge Technique in your own swing.

Again, it’s yours at no cost once you become part of my Reverse Hinge Mastery program.

By now you’re probably wondering, “How much is all of this going to cost?”

Reverse hinge devices designed to improve golf swing technique and control
The good news is that it’s affordable for anyone.


Yes, there are costs associated with creating this program for you…

… the filming, range time, and so on…

… so I don’t want to lose money.

Plus, this is my most secret “secret weapon” for getting golfers to hit the ball further.

Yet I also want to make sure that ANYONE who could benefit from Reverse Hinge Mastery has the chance to go through this comprehensive program.

Which is why I’ve worked with My Golfing Store Inc. to create and publish Reverse Hinge Mastery.

They have a long history of making the luxuries of golf affordable – from physical items like rangefinders to the technique secrets of the game.

With their help, I’m able to offer my Reverse Hinge Mastery program for a price FAR less than the $20,000 I charge for 3D modeling…

Far less than the $1,000 I charge PGA tour pros for coaching…
And less than what I charge amateurs as well.

In fact, you won’t even pay as much as you would for a local pro to help you.

As you know, that usually runs as high as $100 per hour.

And because you’ll likely need multiple lessons for something to really stick…

In the end you’re out of pocket up to $300 or more…

And often the only thing you’ve “gained” are a host of confusing, ineffective swing thoughts.

Yet – for the low price I’m about to reveal…

You get access to the Reverse Hinge Mastery program and every bonus for a LIFETIME.

Golf product bundle with added bonuses for enhanced performance

That means you can go at your own pace…

Watch and rewatch the videos as many times as you need…

(But judging by the 10 amateurs I trained, once is already more than enough.)

So realistically, I could charge upwards of $297 for the program.

Yet, I’m going to give you everything I’ve promised today for less than the cost of a single lesson.

In fact, your investment today is just $47.

And listen – I get it…

You might still have a small voice in the back of your head, asking, “well, what if it doesn’t work?”

That’s why you’ll be pleased to know that…

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