Claim your “Tour Angle 144” today for just $9.95 and you’ll get exclusive access to our
Private Members Club for 14-days. You’ll get premium instruction from PGA Pros to help
you add an extra 20-30 yards off the tee, overnight. Continued access is just $29.95/month
(cancel anytime) and we’ll help you add yards of distance, eliminate your slice and take 7
strokes off your game.
The ‘Tour Angle 144’ is the secret weapon…
To add 25+ yards to every drive you hit.
And ensure that all your iron shots go straight down the middle…
So you can attack the flag and get more pars, birdies and even an eagle now and again!
The ‘Tour Angle 144’ will help you practice on the driving range (or even at home).
Simply hold it in your left hand, between your middle and ring finger…
Then use your normal grip on your club and address the ball.
When you do, the red arm of the ‘Tour Angle 144’ should be gently touching your left forearm. Which sets you up perfectly.
All you need to do is keep the red arm incontact with your forearm. It’s that simple.
Now you’re ready to take some practice swings.
Pull the club back, using your normal backswing…
And once again, so long as the red arm touches your forearm, your wrist angle is perfect..
And when it’s not touching your forearm, you can see precisely where you need to improve.
The ‘Tour Angle 144’ helps you perfect your wrist angle at the moment of impact…
And during your follow-through.
By practicing this setup, you’re building the muscle memory of the 144 Power Angle.
Which will make your new swing as easy as riding a bike.
And help you add 30+ yards to your drive…
Impress all your golf buddies…
And lower your handicap in just a few weeks.
All it takes is 5 mins of practice you’ll already be playing significantly better than before.
Just picture it:
This is ALL possible when you claim your ‘Tour Angle 144’ for FREE today.
But that’s not all…
With this one-of-a-kind training aid in your hands, your distance and accuracy goes through the roof, as you:
Our goal is to ensure you have absolutely everything you need…
To play the best golf of your entire life…
And take 5-10 strokes off of your handicap.
Which is why I’m not only going to send you the ‘Tour Angle 144’ today…
But We’re also going to include four very special bonuses…
Completely free!
Let me show you what they are.
The ‘Tour Angle 144’ is simple and easy to use.
It comes pre assembled and with a helpful pamphlet that shows you exactly how to use it.
But there’s more…
Because you’re also going to receive a25-minute Video Course where Steve Bosdosh, top 100 teacher, will give you step-by-step instructions on how to use your ‘Tour Angle 144’.
Steve will walk you through all the training drills you can use — either at home, or at the range…
And he’ll also share his top tips, tricks and strategies for getting an extra 25+ yards off the tee.
You’ll also learn how to true up your irons… ...
Become pinpoint accurate with your wedges…
And even how to chip the ball within 3-feet of the pin, setting up simple putts to birdie the hole.
Inside this 25-minute instructional Video Course, you’ll discover:
This is 100% FREE when you order today.
Using the ‘Tour Angle 144’ is going to transform your game and help you shoot lower scores, consistently.
But, We don’t want to stop there.
We want to ensure you have everything you need to add even more yards to your drive…
And to do it without buying new clubs, hurting your back or spending thousands of dollars on private lessons.
That’s why, when you secure your ‘Tour Angle 144’ today, you’re also going to receive our 40-page ebook, Advanced Distance Secrets.
This eBook is jam-packed with our top tips for getting as much distance as possible on every shot you hit…
And when you combine the techniques in this ebook with the ‘Tour Angle 144’, you won’t believe how far you’ll hit the ball!
If you want to hit monster drives and consistent iron shots, then you need to learn from the best.
That’s why We’ve teamed up with 2018 NH PGA Pro Of The Year, Matt Bradbury…
A 6-time tournament winner…
And head coach at one of the most prestigious country clubs in the U.S.
I want to bring you as much value as possible, which is why I hired a professional camera crew to film a video masterclass with Matt…
And the result was incredible.
Matt broke down everything the amateur player needs to do to get an extra 30+ yards off the tee…
And he did it in just 15 minutes, making this the perfect guide for the busy professional — or anyone short on time.
This special training is called “15 Minutes To Lower Drives”.
But it won’t just help you with your drive….
These insights will help you improve your irons, hybrids and wedges…
As you quickly become the biggest hitter in your group — even if you’re out-of-shape or a senior player.
This video masterclass is available 24/7 and can be downloaded onto your phone or tablet…
So you can watch it anywhere, anytime — while relaxing at home, on your lunch break or even at the range.
Let me tell you the dirty little secret of the golf coaching industry:
PGA players and coaches keep their secrets to themselves.
They simply don’t want the general public to know what they know.
However, that ends today.
Because NH PGA Pro of the year, Matt Bradbury has created a bonus video where he pulls back the curtain and exposes the top secrets of PGA professionals.
This presentation is called The 5 “Magic Moves” PGA Pros don’t want you to know…
And inside, you’ll learn five simple shifts anyone can use to get more distance, without swinging harder.
These “magic moves” are highly effective and easy-to-learn.
By using just one magic move, you’ll power up your drive, irons and tee shots…
And if you use several - or even all of them - you’ll be playing the most consistent golf of your life!
Inside the special training, you’ll discover:
Once again, this video course is available as an INSTANT download…
And is 100% FREE.
However, these special bonuses are only temporary and will not be available for much longer.
So be sure to take advantage of this special offer TODAY!
When you secure your ‘Tour Angle 144’ today, you’re also getting a FREE 14-day trial to our Private Members Academy.
The Private Members Academy is our full-blown video masterclass…
Where our certified PGA instructors coach you through every part of the game.
Showing you in high-definition, exactly how to hit every shot…
The Private Members Academy is one of the top golf coaching resources on the entire internet…
And is guaranteed to help you slash strokes off your scorecard…
And become a much more consistent golfer.
Inside the Private Members Academy, you’ll get drills for every playing level and part of the game…
And you’ll discover how to:
Plus, you’ll also get access to:
Pro-Swing Analysis is where you can send in a video of your swing...
And one of our certified instructors will reply with detailed feedback to help you improve!
These seasoned instructors will help you iron out any flaws in your swing…
And they’ll help you to finally master your pro-swing…
So you can start hitting your drives 220, 250… even 300+ yards down the fairway… every tee!
And the best part is:
You get all of this for less than the cost of a single private lesson!.
After the FREE 14 day trial, you can choose to cancel or continue at $29.95/month.
And in fact, we're so confident you'll want to stay inside the academy month after month, we'll make it easy for you.
You won't have to opt-in or fill out any forms, we'll simply charge you and let your membership run without any gaps or issues
This offer is unmatched in its value and ability to transform your golf game forever.
We’ve left no stone unturned to not only help you perfect your drives swing…
But to master every area of your game!
So you’re probably wondering how much it costs.
Well, let me tell you.
If you were to buy the ‘Tour Angle 144’ along with the four bonuses individually, it would cost you a whopping $145.75.
And even at that price, it would be a real bargain.
After all, like me, you probably spend hundreds of dollars per year on golf clubs, equipment and for your club membership.
Well, I have good news for you.
You’re not going to pay anywhere near $145.75 today.
In fact, you’re not going to pay $100.
Or even $29.
That’s right…
All I ask is that you cover the cost of shipping.
Which is $9.95 for anyone in the United States.
And $19.95 for international.
If after 14 days, you decide you’d like to stay in the Private Members Academy…
Then you’ll be billed $29.95/month every 30 days.
And you can cancel at any time.
I’m sure you’ll agree this is an extremely generous offer.
And if you want to get started, just click on the “Add to Cart” button below and you can immediately place your order.
Claim your “Tour Angle 144” today for just $9.95 and you’ll get exclusive access to our
Private Members Club for 14-days. You’ll get premium instruction from PGA Pros to help
you add an extra 20-30 yards off the tee, overnight. Continued access is just $29.95/month
(cancel anytime) and we’ll help you add yards of distance, eliminate your slice and take 7
strokes off your game.
The Tour Angle 144 has helped thousands of golfers transform their game…
And I’m so confident you’re going to love it, that We-re going to offer you something no one else will.
Here’s the deal:
When you secure your Tour Angle 144 today, you have a full 60 days to try it out.
If it doesn’t help you add 30 yards to your drive…
Or you change your mind for any reason…
Then let us know and you’ll receive a prompt and polite refund.
Just send a message to or call us at 844-355-6994 and we’ll refund your entire purchase price.
No questions asked. So there is literally ZERO risk.
Once again, if you’re not completely satisfied, please contact us at and we will be happy to help in any way possible!
Unfortunately, we can’t keep the price this low forever.
Especially considering that word has already gotten out about how accurrate and effective the Tour Angle 144 is.
And golfers all across America are discovering how powerful it is for themselves.
I can’t guarantee how long the special pricing will be available.
The price will be going back to $39.95 very soon. Which is why I encourage you to place your order right now.
Claim your “Tour Angle 144” today for just $9.95 and you’ll get exclusive access to our
Private Members Club for 14-days. You’ll get premium instruction from PGA Pros to help
you add an extra 20-30 yards off the tee, overnight. Continued access is just $29.95/month
(cancel anytime) and we’ll help you add yards of distance, eliminate your slice and take 7
strokes off your game.
First, you’ll receive the “Tour Angle 144”…
Which is my top secret for adding 20, 30 or even 50 yards to your drive and revolutionizing your distance off the tee.
Use this on the practice range or at home and you’ll eliminate your slice or hook, while hitting the ball further, from your very first 5-minute session.
Second, you’ll get the instructional DVD, “How To Use The Tour Angle 144”.
This video Course will show you step-by-step how to use the Tour Angle 144, as well as Steve’s top tips, tricks and strategies to drive long and true.
And finally, you’ll receive three bonus masterclasses to help you master every area of your long game.
Those courses are:
Advanced Distance Secrets
15 Minutes To Longer Drives
And 5 “Magic Moves” The PGA Pros Don’t Want You To Know.
Which are jam-packed with my top ideas, alongside step-by-step instructions to get even more yards off the tee.
And finally, you’ll receive a free 14-day membership to the private members video coaching academy.
This is an incredibly generous offer, guaranteed to help you improve your golf game.
But be sure to secure your order today! Because I’m not sure how long this page will stay online.
Absolutely! It’s so easy to use.
The “Tour Angle 144” connects easily to your golf club and comes pre-assembled.
It also has a 2-year warranty. So if you have any problems, just let us know and we’ll send you a new one, free of charge.
You should receive your “Tour Angle 144” within 5 to 7 business days.
But you’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to the video masterclass programs…
And immediate access to the private members area.
This special offer is for anyone who wants to:
The “Tour Angle 144” gets results faster than any other training aid on the market.
By giving you immediate, visible feedback on your wrist angle, in real time, you can correct your technique instantly…
… And ensure that every shot goes long and straight.
Hands down, this is the easiest and most effective way to add distance to your drive.
Absolutely! In fact, if you’re over 50 and have any kind of sore joints, this is the best way to improve your game.
The “Tour Angle 144” allows you to generate enormous force without much body movement.
Making this the perfect way for men over 40 to improve their golf game.
if you don’t add at least 30 yards to your drive…
Then let us know for a full and prompt refund. No questions asked.
Plus, we’ll even let you keep all the equipment.
This is how seriously we take customer satisfaction.
That’s the best part!
All you need to do is click the button below, and you’ll be taken to our secure order form.
From there, take 60-seconds to enter your shipping information…
And we’ll send it right to your door in the next 5 to 7 days!
So, go ahead, click the button below and let’s get started.
Claim your “Tour Angle 144” today for just $9.95 and you’ll get exclusive access to our
Private Members Club for 14-days. You’ll get premium instruction from PGA Pros to help
you add an extra 20-30 yards off the tee, overnight. Continued access is just $29.95/month
(cancel anytime) and we’ll help you add yards of distance, eliminate your slice and take 7
strokes off your game.
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